Bitter Gourd Juice For Diabetics

Bitter gourd is a green vegetable with a bitter taste . In India it is used as a household medicine because of its medicinal and curative properties. It is a very nutritious vegetable. It contains a hypoglycemic substance which helps in lowering blood and urine sugar levels.Intake of bitter gourd in any form will be of immense help in controlling the blood sugar level.

Ingredients (for 1 glass)

  • Half piece of bitter gourd.
  • Half lemon.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Half teaspoon turmeric powder


  1. Wash the bitter gourd thoroughly.
  2. Cut it into small pieces.
  3. Soak the cut pieces in water with little salt and half teaspoon turmeric powder for 15 minutes
  4. Remove the pieces from the water and grind it in the mixer with enough water.
  5. Remove the fibres by passing the juice through sieve.
  6. Add lemon juice and stir well.

Drink the juice in the morning on empty stomach daily.

Some Quick Tips

  • Soak the pieces in water with little salt and turmeric powder for 15 minutes to remove the bitter taste
  • Instead of lime amla can also be used along with bitter gourd

110 Responses to Bitter Gourd Juice For Diabetics

  1. Latha says:

    Hi Sharadha,

    Thanks for the recipe. Can you please tell me for how many days this stays good?


  2. Sharadha says:

    Hello Latha,

    At best you can keep it for a day in fridge .
    Fresh juice will be good.


  3. bhardwaj says:

    How long it takes to brind blood sugar under control.Can one take with garlic or Amla ,berries etc.

  4. Sharadha says:

    Hello Bhardwaj,

    Bitter gourd juice is good for diabetic patients. But drinking bitter gourd juice alone will not help to control the sugar level.

    A diabetic patients should follow strict diet. Avoiding rice and wheat totally and taking sprouts and vegetables daily in your diet will help you keep the sugar level under control.

    Instead of taking fruit juices and aerated soft drinks, you can take amla and vegetable juices.

  5. Nimish says:

    How can u not eat wheat in Diabetes?

  6. Sharadha says:


    My husband is a chronic diabetic. He was under medication and was taking insulin shots. He has been able to get keep his sugar level under control by just following a strict diet which includes just vegetables and sprouts and no wheat and rice.He also exercises regularly and this has really helped him a lot.

    Here is the answer to your question as to why a diabetic must not have wheat without medication:

    Diabetics have to limit their carbohydrate intake because it takes such a long time for most carbohydrates to digest. The carbohydrates that take a longer time to digest, cause higher blood glucose level.

    Diabetics have difficulty breaking down in their system, foods which are high in carbohydrates. Digestion is slow and sugars and starches are absorbed into the blood stream, causing an excess blood glucose level .

    Glycemic index measures how quickly the carbohydrate present in the food raise your blood sugar and for how long.

    The Glycemic Index is a very helpful tool for diabetics who need to monitor their glucose level .

    The Glycemic Index ranges from one to one hundred. A low food in the glycemic index has a rating of below 55.

    The GI for Wheat – India is 90. hence it is advisable to avoid wheat if one wants to maintain the blood sugar level without any medication.

  7. malvika says:

    Your information with regards to the eating f wheat seems to contradict what medicine says.

    If you are a typ 2 diabetic who controls their diabetes by diet alone then you need to eat more complex carbohydrates. This is because they will take alonger tme to breakdown and thereby helping you to feel fuller for longer.

    Basmati rice is also good for heling in this regard.

    I guess it must be different for those diabetics who are under medication.

  8. Sharadha says:

    Dear Malvika

    You are right. The diabetics also need all nutrients as is required by non diabetics. I too was perplexed by the way my husband’s blood glucose level oscillated widely to different type of food which were considered safe food for diabetics. Neither me nor my husband are medical professionals. From my experience I can say that each individual is unique and they have to test and short list food items that suits them most.

    As far as carbohydrate is considered, I find the Glycemic Index method is very useful in choosing the right Carb food for my husband. I use those items whose GI is 50 and below. That has suited my husband well. A lot of information is available in the net about GI. The GI for Basmati Rice is 58 and I do not use it.

    All my recipes are tested on my husband. But that does not mean that they will suit to all. Each one has to closely monitor the effect of food on their blood glucose level and decide which one is most suited to them.:)


  9. Venkat says:

    Dear Sharadha,
    Do you remove the seeds from the bittergourd before juicing it?

    Best Regards

  10. sreeram srinivas says:

    Bitter Gourd juice point is well taken. Are they any true cases {not those traditional indian hyped superlative statements} to the extent of its effects in controlling or curing diabetes. {word cure-used in generic sense}. The core point is restoring functionality of pancrease – does this juice help? or its use is limited to managing diabetes ?
    I am looking for true case histories.

    {Note: I am diabetic-6months old= 173/323, A1C=9.3%. taking medicine + exercise+diet control}

    • Kartick says:

      how is your sugar level doing after taking the bitter gourd juice?

      • Sharadha says:

        Hi Kartick,
        Taking bitter gourd juice along with proper diet and regular exercise certainly helps in controlling the blood sugar level. Here again I will like to repeat that each person has to monitor blood glucose level after adopting a certain combination of food,fruits,juice etc to exactly arrive at the best suited menu for that person.

    • Sesh says:

      Dear Sir,

      I had sugar 135 before food and 287 ( on 14th June )after food. I regularly took Bitter Gourd juice for one month in the empty stomach in the early morning.

      Strict diet control – After Bitter Gourd Juice ( after one Hr) i take two three pieces of Whole meal bread – as Break Fast. Lunch two three chapattis and two vegetables.

      Four o Clock – three biscuits with coffee without sugar. Dinner one cup fat free milk.

      Severe Walking for 30 Minutes and Exercise. Now in 11/2 months My sugar Level is Before food 98 and after food 113.

      Credit goes to Bitter gourd juice, diet and Walking.


  11. Ramchandra says:

    Dear Shradha,

    Bitter G. juice i’m taking two times in day at morning & at the time sleeping is it right way? It is a simply made of bitter gourd is it correct?

    • Sharadha says:

      Hi Ramchandra,
      You can have simple bittergourd juice twice a day. Lime etc are added to reduce the bitter taste.

  12. Kumar says:

    Can we have breakfast after taking bitter gourd juice first thing in the morning?? Also, if we want to drink in the night as well, whats the best time — after dinner and before bedtime or before dinner.
    Please advice.

    • Sharadha says:

      Hi Kumar,

      The best thing about green vegetables is that you can have them at any time you feel like depending upon the body’s acceptance. No hard and fast rule. So also the bitter gourd juice. If you feel comfortable having the juice before breakfast,have it or after wards.


  13. JC says:

    I make the bitter gourd juice and I put it in a ice tray. Every morning, my husband takes one cube, melts it and drinks the juice. It saves me time, from making the juice everyday.

  14. Madhusudhan says:

    what quantity of bitter gourd juice to be taken?
    Does this juice has any effect on kidney?

    • Sharadha says:

      Hi Madhusudhan,
      Bitter gourd juice is harmless and it has no negative effect on kidney functioning. Like any other juice, you can have it twice a day.

  15. sham says:

    Does bitter gourd juice have any effect in lowering LDL cholesteror..? or keep in balance of whole cholesterol?

    • Sharadha says:

      Hi Shyam,
      Bitter gourd juice has no effect on cholesterol. It helps in controlling the blood sugar level.


    • DeepS says:

      Try taking Guggulu and arjunarishta. ALso incorporate lot of red onion in your diet. Also, taking methi seed powder atleast 2 tbsp in morning or soaked methi brings lipids balanced. Give it few months. Long term is great!

  16. Good says:


    I just heard that drinking too much of bitter gourd will affect kidney and loose wight… please consider and reply for my query a better known person. please

  17. Vicki says:

    Can capsulet of bitter gourd be used interchangeably with the juice?

  18. Anil says:

    This is the best bitter gourd juice I ever tasted!! It wasn’t bitter at all.
    I have border line type 2 diabetes and have been trying to avoid the medicine. I am sure your recipes will help me a lot. You are like a life saver for me.


    • Sharadha says:

      Thank you Anil. I am very positive that you can keep your blood sugar level under control by appropriate diet and exercise. Wish you all the best.


  19. T.S.SUNDARAM says:

    I am a regular user of Bitter guard. Pretty old in age I have no sugar problem so far.In spite of the bitter taste, I like and enjoy eating Bitter guard. It is a regular routine for me. How do I take it?.

    Bitter guard, after washing well is cut into circular pieces, 4 rings in 2 cms length, soak them for quite some time in medium thick Tamarind water, which contains turmeric powder, salt to taste and a small quantity of Asafoetida powder.In a frying pan with little oil, add dried chilly and mustard. After the splutter of Mustard, transfer the cut bitter guard and Tamarind water entirely into the frying pan and allow them to cook for quite some time till it becomes soft and the tamarind water evaporates away. Your Bitter guard rings are ready. If the seeds are very tender let it remain . Otherwise discard them.

  20. vijay Bagla says:

    Hi Sharadha,
    i am taking bitter guard juice evberyday in the morning for my controlling my blood sugar level. Recently one of my collegue searched internet and found that taking bitterguard juice is harmful for kidney/heart, would you please check and confirm. Thanks and regards

  21. monika says:

    good recepeie

  22. mukundan says:

    hello sharada!
    how long is one to continue this treatment & what is the minimum quantity to be had everyday
    are cooked or boiled karela equally good
    Dr mukundan

    • DeepS says:

      If you cook or boil karela, you are killing the active enzymes and the component that acts like insulin in bringing the sugar down. If you have glucometer, try experimenting, read post meal sugar and find out sugar after 1 hour of taking cooked karela .. nothing else and then other day try raw karela juice and compare the readings. you’ll be surprised!

  23. DeepS says:

    Just dropped in while surfing. I am diabetic since last 10 years. When diagnosed my fasting was 179. I take karela juice of 2 karelas (3″) or 1 big (5″) nearly at least 4-5 times/week now after being regular (everyday)for many years. Karela juice is plant insulin and can bring your sugar down by 50 points within 30min to 45min. Drink it regularly for few months to check effect on A1C levels. Use the fibre left out from juicing in your daal or dough. I also take vaidyanath Madhumehari and Baba’s Madhunashini and Chandraprabhavati. If any one getting neurological problems like tingling or burning or numbeness in feet fingers etc, my experience is taking Alpha Lipoic Acid immediately relieves it. Also take CoQ10 for heart and energy. Include moong, chana, and jau in your diet. If you are partying make sure you take juice after it. Recently I have added bottle gourd/ghiya while juicing as that’s also good for heart.

  24. arun D says:

    I really, appreciate you helping diabetic patients
    for advising for the right diet and right exercise
    I would like to know more about the natural remedy which help to control
    blood sugar.

    Thanks for the advise.

    with best regds

  25. Vijay Goyal says:

    PL Give sugetion, my age 41 Year , and weight 103kg
    so iam reduced this weight pl sugested.
    use butter gurd yes / no

    • Sharadha says:

      Hi Vijay, Please let me know your height also. Using BMI calculator, one can ascertain what is the ideal weight for the height. Only when one is over weight/obess as per BMI calculator, you have to think setting goals for weight reduction.

      Regards Sharadha

  26. Sunny says:

    Hi Sharda,
    My Blood suger is high & Cholestrol my weight is 133 kg.
    Please help me to loose weight and also how can i control my Blood suger & High Cholestrol


  27. Gayatri Anand says:

    Bitter gourd juice is effective in addition you can also take Jumboo( the fruit would look like black grapes), both these will help maintian blood sugar.

  28. Isabel says:

    Hello, my name is Isabel and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I been reading about the bitter melon juice and I learne is great for diabetics. My husband is a type 2 diabetic and is always with High sugar levels. My question is where in town can I find the bitter juice or the gourd? The main stores like HEB an walmart does not carry it. can anyone help me find it in San Antonio, Please?

    • Rathna rao says:

      Dear Isabel
      Try in Indian Stores in vegetable section.look for bitter gourd.also you can try bitter gourd powder in places like Patel brothers.You can add a pinch of that powder to 1/4 cup of water and drink it in early morning before drinking coffee!
      good luck!

    • joe says:

      Asian stores carry them too. Specifically Thai and Viatnamese.

  29. Girish says:


    I am 42 year old and have fluctuation blood sugar levels from past 2-3 years. My first diagnosis of sugar was around 250 PPBS. I was succesfully able to control with bitter gourd from past 3 years to as low as 130-150 PPBS but from past 3-4 months my sugar levels is around 180-200 PPBS even with regular intatke of Bitter Gourd Juice.

    any suggetions or is that body has got immune to this. I can feel my high blood sugar in terms of pain in fore head somthing like sinusiuts. Pain will be ther on fore head, cheeks, nose bridge all exactly same as sinusitis. The moment pain shows up it is an indicaiton of high sugar

    Also till date have not taken any medication and hope to continue the same way

    Any suggetions would help

  30. Maria says:

    I am 54 yrs old. I am diabetic from past 6-7 yrs. I was taking allopathic tablets for a few yrs. But my sugar level was not under control & my doctor advised me to switch to insulin. I have been taking two shots of insulin daily from the past 3 months. After 1 month, I checked my sugar level but still it was not under control. Then my doctor said me to increase the amount of insulin. I have followed this but still my sugar isn’t under control..
    I am also taking plain bittergourd juice twice a week. I do not consume sweets at all. Even my tea is sugarless.
    Please tell me how to keep my sugar under control.
    I can sleep only for 5 hours daily due to my lifestyle. Can I make up for this by sleeping in the afternoon?
    I also need details about the helpful & harmful food items. Among broken wheat, ragi, oats; which is more helpful? Also, are pickles harmful?
    Also, please tell me which vegetables, fruits and non-vegetarian food is helpful and which is harmful?
    I once again request for advice at the earliest.


      Dear medam, kindly look glysemic index chart, and follow it. It will help you for better health.

  31. Ravinder says:

    I am 70 yrs old, not diabetic, can i drink karela juice
    without any side effects

  32. Saritha says:


    Good to hear about you from all.

    Even i want to shar esomething about my husband,he is also a diabetic from last 10 years,and he is taking bitter gourd juice daily once in the morning [Bitterguord juice with tomatoes and cucumber]but still his sugar levels are high.

    Can u comment on this ?

  33. Maria says:

    Can I know whether broken wheat porridge is good. Also, about ragi porridge.
    Which variety of rice is better- sona masuri or basmati? I heard that both of these are good for diabetics.
    I would await for reply at the earliest.

  34. maye says:

    what is the best way to prepare the bitter melon for controlling type2 diabeties and what is the correct dose to drink daily

  35. ILIYAZ says:

    Hi Maria,

    I don’t think sona masuri or basmati rice are good for diabetic rather I would suggest to switch to brown rice which is good for a diabetic.

    • Maria says:

      Thanks for your reply.

      I also have a doubt to be cleared. Does eating BOILED BITTER GOURD help in controlling diabetes?

  36. Arun says:

    Gud evening,,,
    I head that,daily drinking the juice of BITTER GOURD is not gud for health,,specailly for heart …Is this is correct ,,,,?

  37. ashok says:

    Good to hear about you from all.
    just i want to know that i take 1 karela juice early in the morning at around 6.30 AM and than go for morning walk and after 1/2 hour of walk i do yoga and excercise.
    my question is that after taking of karela juice than I go for walking and do yoga & excercise is harmful or it is fine and should continue.
    pls advise

  38. RAKESH says:

    sir i m 40 yrs old suffering from diabetics since last two yrs my level is 225/239 i m taking medicine as well as proper walking daily 5 to 6 k.m , proper dite precaution then also i m unable to decrease my suger level. from today i m gioing to start bitter gourd juice plz advice me i need ur suggestion very urgently, plz

  39. Santhoosh says:

    Hi, i would like to check something, im am non-diabetic person. But my dad is diabetic person. Is it okay for me to drink bittergourd juice daily in the morning? Just as a precaution. Does it effect me? My blood pressure is slightly high. Is there any other juice that i should take?

  40. vinod says:

    Bitter gourd eating raw will it help more in controlling sugar?

  41. Prasanna B S says:

    I m diabetic and my sugar level is before food 150 and after food(2hrs) 240. Every alternate day i drink bitter gourd juic without and daily exercise burning 150 cal ie 45 min brisk walk. 4 chapathis for lunch 4 chapathis for dinner and morning break fast i have Oats 1 bowl. Once in a week i have rice.

    I m diabetic from past 8 months earlier it was 563 before fasting and fasting 400. Withoug medicine i controlled to 150 fasting.

    Kindly let me know your suggestion on this

    • laksmy77 says:

      Hello prasanna,
      Try cutting down your carbs in the dinner time, becos wheat’s GI is high , its 90. So try to cut your no of rotis to 3 or 2 and see how u will get the results, or you can try broken/craked wheat instead of rotis, i am diabetic too since 8 yrs , i always eat cracked wheat instead of wheat rotis , this helps me the sugar level come down very quickly within two hrs, also try ridge gaurd juice before your meals and then eat ur lunch and in the same way before ur dinner try one glass of karela juice and then eat ur dinner, hope this helps you,
      good luck

      • Shaheen says:

        What is cracked wheat? I know rotis, but I don’t understand how
        it effects blood sugar as rotis and wracked wheat are both made from wheat. Thank you for any information.

  42. Viji says:

    Mam, thanks for the Recipe, Please let me know if the water in which the Bitter guard soaked is discarded or u use the same water for grinding.

  43. Meensri says:

    Hai. I have just started bitter gourd juice, but I also mix it with green apple and celery. I was advised by a friend to reduce weight by this technique. Will it be helpful and how long do I need to take it?

  44. Maya says:

    Does the bitter gourd from a can help for lowering blood sugar?
    Is it only the juice that should be taken or eating the whole gourd helps in this matter?

  45. Subhashini Swar says:

    I have been taking allopathic medicines since 2 years,and want to switch to ayurveda as well as karela juice.My question is do we have to take karela juice in the morning only or can we consume it in evening,about 4 hours before dinner?

  46. says:

    Dear mam

    I have 30 years old and I have diabetics and sugar level always fasting 169 after food 207
    Not taking any medicine is it advisable to take bitter gourd juice .
    Pls advice

  47. says:

    Dear mam

    I have 30 years old and I have diabetics and sugar level always fasting 169 after food 207
    Not taking any medicine is it advisable to take bitter gourd juice .
    Pls advice .kindly advice

    • I had My sugar Level 98 fasting & 156 after Food i had started the Bitter Gourd Juice in morning and Evening with 40-50 minutes hard Jogging with Yoga.Advise for u hannef is that u can also start with the same age is 28 also after 1 month follows above method sugar level is 94/126.My wife is Doctor she never allow me to break my schedule after 30 days only i get this i have habit to drink bitter gourd juice after drinking it feel energetic also for whole day at work.

  48. Quick Diet Program…

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  49. aditi says:

    my husband age 28yrs..his diabetic..i give him bitter g.juice daily.but i m confused about that, i make that juice but its drinking with paste+water or i should have filter that…. please reply me,suggest me

  50. keshav says:

    Dear sir,
    I am Diabetic and my sugar level is 188 after food, I want to use Bitter guard juice kindly suggest me can I use sugar free chayavanprash .to maintain body strength.


  51. 16 year old jobs…

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  52. Rafiqa raniwala says:

    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Rafiqa. I live in california, and have a 8 yrs old daughter who has been diagnosed with Juvenile diabetes type 1 last month.. She is on 2 diff types of insulin which she has to take 3 times a day.We don’t have a family history, and this was a sudden onset. I was wondering that is the bitter gourd juice going to help with type 1 as well. If yes than how much ounces 8 yr old child should take and how many times a day???? Please give your suggestions.
    Thank you
    Rafiqa Raniwala

    • Ashraf kasmani says:

      Dear Rafiqa, so sad to hear from u about your daughter, initially you can start with 20 ml of bitter goured juice thrice a day , it has no side effects. …..Ashraf kasmani

  53. android recipes…

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  54. sharath says:

    can we eat wheat if we r having diabetes??can we do yoga or jogging after having bitter gaurd juice in morning

  55. chai says:

    thanks for the receipe & tips… it was very much useful

  56. tonym says:

    Hi, I have type 2 diabetes and teach cooking to chefs. I started using bitter gourd when a worker gave me a plant to grow. Since then, I grow them each year from the seeds of previous plants. I am developing some juice recipes, and wondered if the readers could post some of their favourite recipes please?
    When cooking gourds, I usually cook with olive oil, garlic, tomato, red onion and a little rock salt.
    Thanks for all your comments and posts, very helpful

  57. sprnoman says:

    Sharadha mam
    How can I make the bitter guard juice delicious & taste for the children?Sharadha mam can u please tell how can I make it?
    Either give me a new recipe to make karela juice.

  58. krishnan says:

    Dear sarada,
    you are saying in all the comments that have to take vegetables instead of rice and wheet. could you please tell how to take vegetables as a food. that is in raw or cooked ie. boilded or fried. Please help me.

  59. Aloha Antivo says:

    hi! I’m Aloha 33 yrs old, i have a kidney problem – ckd stage – 4… i’d like to know if bitter melon / ampalaya juice will help me with my health problem…???

    I try making this juice and drink pure – 1 tbps 3x a day. is it good for me and my health condition…???


  60. Asghar says:

    My sugar leval was 260 and 270 at night , in morning it used to be was 160-170
    i weight about 106 kgs
    I started taking bitter grout ( 125 ml with 2 medium sized grout) juice made in Philips juicer with out removing seeds without adding water after dinner before going to sleep.
    and i have regular 45 min cardio exercise, and i avoid oily food and have boiled vegetable during dinner.
    after 3-4 days i checked sugar leval its 160- 170 in night and 110 in morning now.

    but my stools are loose after taking bitter grout juice.

    which is the best time to have juice .


  61. lakshya says:

    IS It harmful for the normal person who is out of the risk of diabetics???

  62. How many Amla is required ? Should I put 1 pc Bitter Groud & Amla at the same time in the grinder along with water ?

  63. SM says:

    My husband has a strong family history of Diabetics, hence he is under risk.

    I am planning to start on this karela juice to avoid getting diabetics.
    My question is i am confused with the quantity of intake.

    * I used 1 bitter gourd (size of the big one shown in the first picture)
    * Half lemon.
    * A pinch of salt.
    * Half teaspoon turmeric powder

    With the above ingredient i get 1 glass (8-9 ounce) of juice. Is it ok to take it every morning this quantity. Or is it too much.


  64. Mounu says:

    Hello mam thanks a lot for lots of information regarding karela juice.
    I m diabetic with hypothyroidism as well taking 75 mcg in the morning b4 breakfast. My question now is when is the gud time for me to start taking karela juice if not on fasting. Your advise on this is really appreciated
    Thank you in advance

  65. nazir satar says:

    karela and bitter gourd juice is the same

  66. anu says:

    Hi, my fasting blood sugar is 109.5 am i dibetic? can bitter gourd juice will help me to reduce my sugar level ?

  67. SUSHIL JAIN says:

    Hi Everyone
    I am 34 yr old man .I came to know last 4 month before that i am diabetic .My sugar level is 150-170 in morning and 280-310 after meal. I am not taking any medicine for this to control my sugar level .I tried many home made medicine like metidana,amla,kalijari,dalchini,gudmar ,some type of powder available in market like gurukripa churn,sugarnil.madhunashini tablet etc .I WANT TO TELL EVERYONE THAT AFTER TAKING ALL OF THESE ITEMS MY SUGAR LEVEL IS SAME AS BEFORE . Now i am totally confused that why my sugar level not going down after avoiding 95% sugar and taking bitter items in my food .I am doing some exercise in morning and walking in evening also.
    Now i want to know in future what will happen if i not take any medicine ?
    Bitter gourd juice will help to decrease my sugar level?
    Bitter Items can increase my pancreas function and make insulin ?
    Any ayurvedic medicine can cure diabetes ?
    When any person require insulin injection ?
    What are the complication in future for diabetic?
    If i start Any medicine for this how much time i have to take this ,I mean life time?
    Plz comment/reply on my queries

  68. satyakala says:

    good recipe.for my dad……

  69. ssmurthy says:

    Hellow mam
    Really it is a very good advice for the diabetic to take a cup of karela juice every day in the morning at empty stomach. I used to have south indian recipes for the diabetics.Thanks

  70. Ankit gupta says:

    What’s the reason by which bitter gourd lowers blood sugar

  71. I am 70 yrs of age with no health problems so far and I am going to use gourd- I am so grateful to you and all the people suggestions. I HATE WESTERN TOXIC MEDICINES.I live in Britain n I am convinced that the big pharmaceuticals r there to make profit n not concerned to make sick people well-side effects of most medications r horrible.I have seen so many documentaries on tv.please google dr. len horowitz and google cancer the forbidden cure. google — edge media tv google google INFOWARS.COM (ALEX JONES) . THANK U.

  72. V.Narasimhaiah says:

    During Dec 2011 and after doctor’s advise, I got my Sugar levels checked and was found 481. Then I was given Glucomet and along with that I was taking Bitter Gourd 4″ length and after making juice; I took the juice in empty stomach for 20 days and my sugar level dropped to 120. Now I am taking lot of vegitables and very less of rice and noiw my sugar levels are normal.

  73. gopinath says:

    i am taking bitter guord by soaking in water througt night and chewing in early morning for 6 months.
    Is this method correct?IBut i didnt find significant improvement.doctors say it will reduce only 10pts and not more than that.
    I got some stomech pain recently and had some medicines.
    some peoples say that routine consumption of bitter guord will cause abdominal pain or ulcer.
    Is this send a reply.

  74. deepali says:

    hi i am deepali my father in laws suffering diabetic so how much quantity of bitter gourd juice suppose to take daily and even i also wanted to take the same juice.

  75. Franklin says:

    Good juice for diabetes patients.

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