Healthy Summer Drink : Barley with Lime

May 15, 2009

It is summer time and you need something really refreshing to beat the heat. In case you are a diabetic, I am sure you want a drink  that is not only refreshing but very healthy too.

Barley with lime is an excellent combination and makes for a healthy summer drink.

Did you know that barley is a good choice for type 2 diabetes ?

Well yes, barley contains essential vitamins, minerals and is an excellent source of dietary fiber, particularly beta-glucan soluble fiber. It reduces cholesterol and so it also works very well for people on diet.

So make sure you include barley in your diet every now and then.

Ingredients (Serves one)


  • One  table spoon of barley
  • One tsp lemon juice
  • One drop of lemon essence (optional)
  • One tsp sugar free powder
  • 1/4 tsp fennel seed powder


Barli Juice

  1. Boil barley with enough water for 15 minutes.
  2. Allow it to cool.
  3. Drain the barley water by passing through sieve.
  4. Add lemon juice, lemon essence, sugar free powder and fennel seed powder.
  5. Stir well.
  6. Serve chilled.